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Based on the Anthroposophical vision, in 2008  the founding impulse of the Luz del Sol Garden emerges.  From this vision, with the child at the center and as a living organism , we grew, relying on all the people who came to participate in this undertaking. Parents and similars of multiple abilities with whom we develop action programs in the pedagogical, cultural, social, environmental and economic fields, promoting this culture for comprehensive and inclusive human development.

We come together as a civil non-profit organization and we pour all surplus resources into action programs developed together, with the aim of seeing our ideals alive. 

We are founding members of the Federation of Waldorf Schools of Uruguay - FEWU.

"What could be done with the most beautiful impulses if there were no human beings who put all their fervor and self-sacrifice at the service of its realization" 

rudolf steiner



From the anthroposophical vision we believe that we all have something special to give. If you want to be part of this initiative, fill out the form at the bottom of the page, indicating your interest. Thank you very much!

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